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Perfection of Forbearance - Khanti Parami
Kiên Nhẫn Balamật
When the Buddha was born as Candrakumara, he had fulfilled his Supreme Perfection of Forbearance. He was nearly brought down to death several times. But Sakka saved him. Thereafter he was crowned king of Puppavati. Trong một tiền kiếp khi Ðức Phật là Ngài Candrakumara, Ngài thực hành hạnh Kiên Nhẫn Balamật. Ngài bị đánh gần chết nhiều lần, nhưng vẫn chịu đựng. Ðế-thích Sakkha cứu Ngài. Sau đó, Ngài được tôn vinh làm vua xứ Puppavati.
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Source: Post Card by S. Dhumphakdi & Sons Publisher, Bangkok, Thailand